**Do not delete the OVA file from your computer Once the file finishes downloading, locate the file and double-click to open.Click the 3 dots to the right of the Windows10-2004.ova file and click Download.Now that you have VirtualBox installed, you need to install the OVA file that allows Windows 10 to be run with VirtualBox: Allow the extension pack to install and once you're done, it should look like this.
Double-clicking the file will automatically open the VirtualBox application. Locate the second file and open Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-6.1.10.vbox-extpack. If you do see the message, click the lock icon in the bottom left of the window. Hopefully you’ll see a message saying System software from developer “Oracle America, Inc.” was blocked from loading. *** If you get an error that says Installation Failed, follow these steps:. Proceed with the installation by clicking through to Agree. It will open a drive window, click "VirtualBox.pkg. Locate the 2 downloaded files in your folder, and open the first file VirtualBox-6.1.10-138449-OSX.dmg. This will download the VB extension pack. Under "VirtualBox Oracle VM Extension Pack", click "All supported platforms". This will download the base VirtualBox application. Under "VirtualBox platform packages", click "OS hosts". The following instructions are for the installation of VirtualBox on a Mac: For the new Intel Installations instructions please visit our Instructions for Installing on an Intel Mac. This information is DEPRECATED as of Spring 2022.